
Due to its versatility, Ferrari fans are particularly suitable for working in the filtration and dedusting sector.
There is a sturdy structure but at the same time compact and modular enough to make them an excellent solution that adapts to many types of systems without unnecessarily weighing down their support structures. In this way, it is possible to keep the intrinsic level of vibrations of the static and rotating components of the fan are extremely low, so the level of vibrations transmitted to the structures are within parameters. In addition to the standard configurations, specific solutions have been developed to allow vertical axis mounting up to sizes and powers that traditional executions would not allow.
The diversity of profiles available for the impellers makes Ferrari fans suitable for working in any area of the system. The impellers with forward blades are generally used upstream of the filters, in areas with large quantities of dust in the air, while those with backward blades are suitable for working downstream of to filters with clean or slightly dusty air while maintaining extremely high efficiency levels. Mixed solutions are also quite common, i.e., fans with high efficiency backward-curved impellers for working with dusty air. Fans with open impellers, either with forward or straight blades, are used in systems that require the transport of suspended material of several types.
The range of products certified to work in areas with risk of explosion in compliance with the European directive ATEX 2014/34 / EU allows for a very wide range. The available solutions support the certification of the fans and the electrical equipment connected to them under various categories that show the way in which the products must be constructed and designed, based on different parameters such as the intensity and duration of the explosion risk or its possible origin (risks originating from dust or gas).
It is common for filtration and dedusting plants to impose important and severe limitations on the noise emissions deriving from their operation. In this field, Ferrari fans help to keep emissions below the levels shown by the most restrictive regulations. To achieve this goal, the design of the products is conducted considering the aspects that contribute to reducing the noise characteristic of rotating machines, by acting on the sound power generated by them. To complete this design philosophy, Ferrari proposes a series of added measures designed to reduce and hold the sound pressure transmitted in the ducts and in the environment surrounding the system: silencers, acoustic insulation, soundproofing booths.